MacHeist!! Get tons of Mac apps for a super low price!!

MacHeist!! Get tons of Mac apps for a super low price!!

Posted by Luis Majano
Jan 13, 2008 00:00:00 UTC
Have you heard of MacHeist. I just did and man!! This is incredible. You can buy over 10 apps for a super low price of about $40 bucks!! I was super impressed by it, plus you give some stuff to charity. Just head over there and check it out.

The ten great applications that are on the list are: 1password $29.95 CoverSutra $22.00 Cha-Ching $40.00 iStopMotion $49.00 Awaken $12.95 TaskPaper $18.95 AppZapper $12.95 CSSEdit $29.95 Snapz Pro X $69.00 Pixelmator $59.00

25% of your purchase will be donated to the charity of your choice.


nice dude! thats awesome...
